General Information
The Austin HRA owns 56 family units – 2 bedroom duplexes, 3 bedroom and 4 bedroom houses. These units are scattered throughout the city. Rent is based on 30% of the family’s adjusted monthly income. The size of the unit is determined by the family’s size. Each tenant pays for their own utilities, and is responsible for mowing the grass and snow removal from the sidewalks and driveways.
All applicants are screened carefully. We do credit checks, a criminal background check, and current and former landlord references.
The family units are for low income families and cannot exceed the income limits listed below. Income from all family members over 18 years old is included in the annual gross income.
As of July 19, 2006 the HRA of Austin will no longer mail out applications for the family housing with the exception of familes with members who are over 62 years old, disabled or handicapped. When applicants turn in an application they will be required to submit a photo ID for family members over 18 years old and copies of social security cards for all family members.
The HRA of Austin will continue to mail applications to applicants for Twin Towers and Pickett Place.
Applications are available at our main office: 308 2nd Avenue NE, Austin, MN 55912. For more information contact family public housing manager at (507) 433-1866.
Eligibility and Income Limits
Household Members | Income Limits* |
1 person | $51,950 |
2 people | $59,350 |
3 people | $66,750 |
4 people | $74,150 |
5 people | $80,100 |
6 people | $86,050 |
7 people | $91,950 |
8 people | $97,900 |
*Household Members Annual Gross Income Effective 2025